
23 Октября 2024
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Отзывы и предложения

Дата последнего изменения: 15 Августа 2009
Метки статьи: Отзывы и предложения
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None of the S3 apps are in the chrome store, possibly they have been removed due to V2 manifests? Or maybe they have lapsed as you are too busy with the troubles in your homeland to tend to them.
Anyway I thought you should know, if you did not know. (The links are still on the donate page that is opened by your extensions, maybe you could self host with instructions how to side-load)
We all hope you and your family are safe.
Kind wishes
Nomad (гость) • ответить
Fantastic addon! But WUSC FM (Columbia SC, USA) does not play any audio for me on latest Firefox as of October 30 2023. Their webpage does work: https://www.wusc.fm/

Gordon (гость) • ответить
hi, in the s3 translator tool, when I click on the copy to clipboard button, can you give us an option to NOT play the sound please?
V. Stoyanov (гость) • ответить
Hello Oleksandr.
I would like to express an issue with the Forecastfox (fixed version) addon. As default city for the Forecast is NY. When I want to change the city I get the error :
"Oops! Something went wrong.
This page didn't load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details."
On my other device is the same issue. I asked a friend of mine who also is using the Addon, to try and change the city, he gets the same error.
Is it possible this issue to be fixed ?
Thank you in advance !

V. Stoyanov

I have S3 Translator, but I have a problem with it, when I double-click a word in Firefox, so I can Google it in S3, the S3 bar with 3 items pops up so close to the mouse position that I end clicking the first S3 option by mistake.

Is there any way to have the S3 pop up further away, at times I think about removing S3 because of this!
Михаил (гость) • ответить
С почтой mail.ru как глючило так и глючит, это уже похоже на саботаж.
Tezor& (гость) • ответить
Hello Oleksandr,

Subject: "Download Manager (S3)"
Your application is very interesting in its current state, however I suggest a relatively simple improvement to make in the "Add Download" menu.
This improvement would be to add the choice of download destination:
- Either by direct entry of the destination address or scanning the computer to choose it
- Either by having a drop-down list of destinations managed by the user which can be completed as needed
- Either by adding 5 or 6 buttons, each assigned to a destination chosen by the user, thus giving access to 5 or 6 destinations in a single click.

I remain available to talk to you about it if you wish.
Good luck


Long live for UKRAINE
Valerie (гость) • ответить

Your apps are still unavailable in the Chrome store. Will this be fixed anytime soon? Thanks!
John (гость) • ответить
Hello Oleksandr,

I am very interested in your Menu Wizard add-on for Thunderbird.

I was wondering if it's possible to add some features to it, like easy access to the "from" email address in the JS section in order to use it in the JS code.

I am willing to sponsor your work on this.

Let me know if this is of interest to you.


Александр (гость) • ответить
1) после установки несколько дней с перезагрузкой компа вижу кривую информацию, в том числе и пустую "Подробно", т.е. нет инфы об осадках и температуры по времени дня, только в трее температура показывается.
Подскажите где ковырять, чтобы визуализация вплывающего окна, при нажатии на пиктограмму в трее, была в правильном формате
2) можете в настройках добавить Чекбокс (отображать город Да/Нет), Хотелось бы иметь только Температуру, без лишей информации. Город выставлен в настройках и все время мне об этом высвечивать излишне
3) С каких ресурсов тянется погода, т.е. откуда Вы парсите исходные данные/инфу?

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