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Отзывы и предложения

Дата последнего изменения: 15 Августа 2009
Метки статьи: Отзывы и предложения
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Hi. Currently the buttons have no option to change their background and to remove gradient colors from their background.
1. Can we have options to choose our own colors for button background and to disable gradient colors?
2. Can you also make an option to change the color of the text inside the progress bar? Right now I can only change the text color for the file name I'm downloading but not of the text that shows the remaining time - that text is always black which forces me to choose a light background, but I don't like that.

I'm not an idiot, Alexander. I know that! But these settings DO NOT remove gradient colors for the buttons, only for the download progress. That screenshot I posted above was made with these settings and as you can see the buttons have no custom background and they still have gradient color:

Jeffrey Crangle (гость) • ответить
Oleksandr, are you there? Are you in Kiev? Are you and your family okay?

Great work with DSB (S3). Could you add the ability to run a command automatically after download completes (Suggest Enhancement) ?

For more details see my question on discourse.Mozilla.org. It would work like the old add-on "Download Status Bar" by Szalgiris mentioned in my post.

John (гость) • ответить

Please, add to worldwide radio app a station below:


Thank you. Stand with Ukraine!
Юрий (гость) • ответить
можно ли убрать в шифрованном тексте S3CRYPT:BEGIN:AESCTR и ==:END чтобы при использовании этого дополнения на странице не было этого а был только зашифрованный текст?
Markusfritte (гость) • ответить
Всесвітнє радіо
Але в Super Radio є БАГ
коли я перемикаю комп’ютер у режим сну, а Firefox все ще відкрито.
Після цього радіо перестало працювати
Мені потрібно керувати розширеннями, деактивувати та активувати аддон.
Тільки після цього радіо знову запрацює

Worldwide Radio
Super Radio hat aber einen BUG
wenn ich den Computer in den Energiesparmodus schicke und der Firefox noch offen ist.
Danach läuft das Radio nicht mehr
ich muss unter Erweiterungen verwalten, den AddOn deaktivieren und aktivieren.
Erst danach funktioniert das Radio wieder
talkleft (гость) • ответить
S3 translate continues to be the best web translator available. I have been using it for years to translate news articles and comments on social media sites. When Firefox banned it a few years ago, I stopped using Firefox for news. I consider you an international treasure. I am glad you are now able to devote full time to your developer business. Perhaps you could work on a translator app for E-books like Kindle (on Amazon) or Apple Books. It is so frustrating when a book is only published only in a language I partially understand. It would be so helpful to highlight a page or paragraph and have the S3 English translation come up. Maybe you could go on the TV show Shark Tank and raise money to develop S3 for Ebooks and sell it to Amazon or Apple. Anyway, this is just a fan comment and a heartfelt thank you for your hard work on S3.
ShawnCam (гость) • ответить

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