
1 Апреля 2025
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Firefox: S3.Translator

S3.Translator - это дополнение к браузеру, которое упростит вам посещение не русскоязычных сайтов.

Hello Alexander,

first of all - Thank You so much for this awesome add-on for Firefox and especially for Thunderbird. It's a daily used and necessary add-on for my daily work, which concerns multilingual communications.

Now to the issue: As You might know meanwhile the Thunderbird team decided to set up wide rage restrictions to the exceptance of add-ons within their software. Finally within Thunderbird Vers. 60.3.0. - all add-ons, that do not have the clearance from Thunderbird are blocked. The message is: 'S3.Google translator is incompatible with Thunderbird 60.3.0' and 'S3.google translator (deactivated'.

Within the news-page of Thunderbird You find the following statement:
Some add-ons may not work
Due to significant changes imposed on Thunderbird, version 60 will not automatically load an add-on unless it has been marked compatible by the author. To date, over 130 add-ons have been made compatible by their authors and several are being added every week. If your add-on is not compatible, please contact the author at their support website or email, which you can find on the add-ons website.

(The decision for turning off automatic compatibility was not lightly made, but the user experience is better for users because non-working add-ons are prevented from breaking Thunderbird. And to help authors update their add-ons, significant planning and code improvements were made in Thunderbird to reduce the impact of changes inherited from Firefox.)

So I guess, that there is some action necessary from Your side. This seams to be yet valid since Thunderbird version 60.x.x.

Hope this info will help You out, in order to know, what has to be done. I really hope, that You can fix this issue fast.

Thank You
Greetings from Poland
Michael Grass

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