Thank you for installing S3.Translator


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$10.00 suggested
Dear friends, thanks to your contributions:
  • now my hobby "Creation of useful and unique Add-Ons" has actually become my main job;
  • now I can be more confident of a good future for my family and my children;
  • now I can spend more time to create new and support my existing programs;
  • Special thanks from my son - he has diabetes (type 1) and your contributions help to buy insulin, test strips and needles.
My add-ons are absolutely free, and if you like them, then please make a small contribution.
Thank you very much for your support!

My other AddOns:

S3.Translator - Translation of selected text, introduced by a phrase or a fully web-site from any language to any language


Forecastfox (fix version) - Get international weather forecasts with this highly customizable extension


Multi Web Search - For those who are looking for and want to find!
Find the most relevant information from the Web with a single request to different search engines and get the results on a single page


Screengrab! - Saves entire webpages as images.
Just right-click on the page you want to grab and look in the "Screengrab" menu!


CryptoData - Easily and quickly to encrypt / decrypt
Private messages via e-mail, blogs, social networks, forums, websites, images, etc


Download Manager (S3) - View and manage downloads from a tidy statusbar
Despite its compact size, Download Manager (S3) packs in more useful features than the standard download window. The fully customizable interface auto-hides when not in use, allowing full control without interruption.


Worldwide Radio - Listen to live radio stations from around the world!
More than 50,000 radio stations from around the world: USA, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Spain, Australia, Brazil, France, Italy, Canada, Mexico, etc.


Fox Web Security - Protection from adult content (parental control) and from dangerous sites.
Entrust protection for yourself and your children to professionals!


Current changes for S3.Translator:

  • version 6.30.
    hotfix: fixed translation for new Google-Translate-API
  • version 6.29.
    hotfix: fixed translation for new Google-Translate-API
  • version 6.28.
    hotfix: fixed translation for new Google-Translate-API
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.27.
    hotfix: fixed Text-To-Speech for new Google-Translate-API
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.26.
    hotfix: fixed translation for new Google-Translate-API
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.25.
    fixed: speech of the selected text
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.24.
    fixed: page translation for some sites
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.23.
    fixed: Automatic translation of subtitles on YouTube
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.22.
    hotfix: fixed translation for new Google-Translate-API
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.19.
    hotfix: fixed translation for new Google-Translate-API
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.17.
    updated: Slovenian locale (thanks Peter Klofutar)
    updated: Nederlands locale (thanks Tonnes)
    updated: Korean locale (thanks VenusGirl)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.15.
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.14.
    added: Settings: Translate Text: Selected text: "Disable when the language of the site matches the language of translation"
    fixed: improved moving of the flying window
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.13.
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.12.
    added: Settings: Other: Ignore line breaks in PDF
    fixed: displaying variants of translated phrases
    fixed: copy text in fly-window / bottom-panel
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.10.
    fixed: zooming
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.7.
    added: Settings: Default behavior of "flying window" / "bottom panel":
    ...Close when loses focus
    ...Do not close at loss of focus
    ...Use shared translate window for all tabs

    added: Settings: Restore all shared translate windows after browser restart
    added: FlyWindow/BottomPanel: Settings: "Use web page zoom"
    updated: Traditional Chinese locale (thanks Jeff Huang)
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.6.
    added: Portuguese BR locale (thanks JDMs)
    updated: Spanish locale (thanks Roxxz)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.5.
    fixed: automatically translate web-sites
    fixed: translate selection for FF52
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.4.
    added: context-menu for toolbar-button
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.3.
    fixed: translate for long-click mouse
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.2.
    added: "ESC" key for close translation box
    changes: new algorithm for the context menu
    fixed: clicking a close button
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 6.1.
    First version for WebExtensions
    Full support for Firefox Desktop 52+, Google Chrome
    The saved settings from the xul-version are compatible with the webextensions-version and vice versa
    New name - now this "S3.Translator"
    Translate-WebExtensions Limitations:
    1. Not processed some sites from and
    2. Not processed on sites that do not have pages, for example error 404 (page not found)
    3. Not processed on internal Firefox and GoogleChrome pages, for example about:addons , about:config , chrome://extensions/ , chrome://settings/ , etc.
    4. Not processed on the extensions pages "moz-extension://...." , "chrome-extension://...."
    added: multi-window for fly-window and bottom-panel
    added: Open or minimized windows (fly-windows and bottom-panels) with translation are saved after the restart of the browser
    added: Settings: Show notification when copy text to Clipboard
    added: Settings: Play sound after translation
    changed: Settings: "Hide «google-panel» from translated page" - now «google-panel» folds and unfolds when you hover the mouse
    added: Settings for selected text and translate from clipboard:
    New translation:
    * default action
    * always open a new window
    * new window will open only when press «Ctrl» (flying window)
    * new window will open only when press «Ctrl» (bottom panel)

    Open translation:
    * default action
    * always open the flying window
    * always open the bottom panel
    added: new languages for translate: Amharic, Hawaiian, Kyrgyz, Corsican, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Xhosa, Luxembourgish, Pashto, Samoan, Sindhi, Frisian, Shona, Scots (Gaelic)
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 5.35.
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 5.33.
    added: Persian locale (thanks peyman.m974)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 5.32.
    added:Migrating to WebExtensions: port your stored data
    added: "Ctrl+Enter" combination for translating "text-from" in fly-window
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    updated: Slovak locale (thanks J.P. alias Brahma)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 5.31.
    fixed: minor bugs fixes
  • version 5.30.
    updated: Slovenian locale (thanks Peter Klofutar)
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    deleted: 3-d party JavaScript-advertising has been deleted from add-on.
    fixed: minor bugs fixes
  • version 5.26.
    fixed: Automatic translation of subtitles on YouTube
    changed: Text play-back speed: 50% - 150%

    for Chinese users (Because of the GFW ( ), unable to access in China)
    and same for Italian and others country:
    added: Settings - Others - "Domain for Google-translator" for your localized google-site, such as:,,, etc..

    updated: Slovenian locale (thanks Peter Klofutar)
    fixed: minor bugs fixes
  • version 5.25.
    hotfix: memory leaks in fly-window
    updated: Ukrainian locale (thanks Sacredwheels)
    fixed: minor bugs fixes
  • version 5.24.
    added: Italian locale (thanks Giulio Saoncella)
    added: Settings - actions - selected text: "middle click":
    "Translate selected text when clicking anywhere"
    "Translate selected text when clicking on it"

    added: hidden settings to resolve the error "Error connecting to server" on some computers with very low Internet speed
    extensions.s3gt.google_value_tk_timeout , in seconds

    fixed: settings for text playback speed
    fixed: minor bugs fixes
  • version 5.23.
    changed: settings in tab
    added: added apply-button in settings
    added: Settings - actions - selected text: "Action after a middle click"
    added: Settings - actions - selected text: "The delay time after the text selection"
    fixed: minor bugs fixes
  • version 5.22.
    added: hiiden settings for ability to select milliseconds to see the floating icons when select text: extensions.s3gt.translate_selection_timer // in milliseconds
    updated: German locale (thanks Thomas.Weber)
  • version 5.21.
    hotfix: resolved conflict with addon "Fast Dial"
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
  • version 5.20.
    hotfix: Text-to-Speech for systems without support mp3
    added: Settings - Others - "Convert sound from MP3 to WAV"
  • version 5.19.
    added: Now the fly-button-sound is dependent on the switch checkbox "Remember the source language" in flying window
    fixed: Text-to-Speech for systems without support mp3
    fixed: Text-to-Speech for Thunderbird (Linux)
    updated: Chinese locale (thanks 李卓)
    updated: Traditional Chinese locale (thanks Jeff Huang)
    deleted: Alert notification box for Firefox 44+

    For classic pop-up alerts please use this addon:
  • version 5.18.
    fixed: Alert notification box for Firefox 44+
  • version 5.17.
    added: Save/Load/Restore Settings
    added: button "delete the source text" in bottom panel
    updated: Slovenian locale (thanks Peter Klofutar)
    fixed: position translate-buttons after a text selection
    fixed: minor bug fixes

    added: small support for Advertisements - activated only with user agreement!
    The ads are added only to the http pages!
    for Enable/Disable: S3.Google Translator : Settings : Advertisement
  • version 5.16.
    hotfix: fixed translation for new Google-Translate-API
    updated: Ukrainian locale (thanks Sacredwheels)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 5.15.
    added: Settings: Context Menu: Text-to-Speech
    added: Settings: Action: Hotkeys: Text-to-Speech
    added: session-cache for custom-styles for translate-fly-window
    fixed: normal work for SeaMonkey Mail-Window
    fixed: domain-google-translator for Chimese users
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 5.14.
    hotfix: Polish locale
  • version 5.13.
    hotfix: Improper handling to NoScript
  • version 5.11-5.12.
    added: Flying-window: Text from: button "Transcription"
    added: Single Word: when click in the space - then translate the 2 words before and after a space
    added: Settings: Translate: Automatic sites translation: Automatic translation (experimental)
    added: Settings: Action: Single Word: "Automatic speech for source text"
    added: Settings: Other: test text for playback speed
    added: HiddenSettings: about:config , copy_clipboard_notification = true/false
    added: enable/disable spellcheck in bottom panel
    added: enable/disable spellcheck in flying-window

    fixed: Window Settings for small screen (1024*468, 1024*600, etc)
    fixed: Settings: Action: Hotkeys: message "Such keys combination already exists"
    changed: for Chinese (zh-CN) users was changed domain to
    updated: Arabic locale (thanks Ibrahim Saed)
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    updated: Chinese locale (thanks 李卓)
  • version 5.09.
    hotfix: normal work for Thunderbird
    hotfix: cannot access to Google server for text to speech
    updated: Slovenian locale (thanks Peter Klofutar)
    hotfix: long click translate timers for MacOS and Linux
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 5.03.
    added: Settings: Others: Text playback speed
    added: Settings: Actions: Long click: The delay time before the action execution
    added: Settings: Actions: Single word
    added: Settings: Buttons: Show button without an arrow
    added: Settings: Buttons: Menu: Translate the page via Google Web site
    added: Icons for selected text: Show icon for copy text
    added: Flying-window: selection "lang-from" if source text is hidden
    updated: Arabic locale (thanks Ibrahim Saed)
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    updated: Ukrainian locale (thanks Sacredwheels)
    updated: German locale (thanks Endor)
    updated: Traditional Chinese locale (thanks Jeff Huang)
    fixed: cannot access to Google server for translate the selected text
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 5.02.
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 5.01.
    updated: minimum version of Firefox now is 24.0
    Friends, I am sorry, but it is a necessary measure - for the further development I had to raise the minimum of allowed version of Firefox.

    added: full support for sound-speech
    added: new option: Settings: Other: Hide "google-panel" from translated page
    added: new option: Settings: Actions: Translate selected text after a long click
    changed: new user interface: reverse translation, animation, theme, moving, etc
    changed: Settings: Actions: new interface for Hotkeys - all hotkeys is disabled by default
    added: German locale (thanks Endor)
    added: Traditional Chinese locale (thanks Jeff Huang)
    added: Chinese locale (thanks 李卓)
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 4.03.
    added: Instant translation: selecting some text translates it instantly when the panel is active
    added: new languages for translate: Myanmar (Burmese), Kazakh, Malagasy, Malayalam, Sesotho, Sinhala, Sundanese, Tajik, Chichewa
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    updated: Polish locale (thanks Maciej Bojakowski)
    updated: Japanese locale (thanks pulsmz)
    updated: Ukranian locale (thanks Sacredwheels)
    updated: Chinese locale (thanks 李卓)
    fixed: improved algorithm to translate the selected text
    fixed: Normal work in Firefox Nightly
    fixed: Normal work in Thunderbird Nightly
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 4.02.
    hotfix: fixed translation for new Google-Translate-API
  • version 4.01.
    added: icons flags for languages
    added: Settings: Translate: "Automatic sites translation" - "Do not ask"
    added: Settings: Other: Font-size in translation-on-the-fly
    added: Settings: Other: Size of the logo-button for translation-on-the-fly
    added: auto hide icons for translate-on-fly
    added: in tooltip for translate-on-fly ability to change the languages
    added: Catalan locale (thanks BennyBeat)
    updated: Arabic locale (thanks Ibrahim Saed)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 3.09.
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 3.08.
    added: run Translation from textbox where press "Ctrl + Enter"
    added: Word-fly-translate: move mouse on word -> press Alt (or Contrl,or Alt+Shif.. see Settings: Hotkeys-Quick translate) -> click left mouse button
    added: Czech locale (thanks Michal Stanke)
    changed: new algorithm and new appearance to display the result for "translate on the fly"
    fixed: Normal work if enable "E10S (multi-process)"
    fixed: Automatic translation of subtitles on YouTube (settings - translate - YouTube Subtitles)
  • version 3.07.
    added: New Feature: automatic translation of subtitles on YouTube (settings - translate - YouTube Subtitles)
    added: Learning Mode: reset text when press "[x]" in tooltip
    added: hidden settings for HotKey: about:config : extensions.s3gt.translate_combine_select_and_page (default = false)
    added: Slovenian locale (thanks Peter Klofutar)
  • version 3.06.
    changed: if press "Ctrl" + "Translate full page" - the translate full page via Google Web site in current tab
    added: new languages for translate: Uzbek
    updated: Polish locale (thanks Maciej Bojakowski)
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    updated: Ukranian locale (thanks Sacredwheels)
    fixed: minor bug fixes for Thunderbird
  • version 3.05.
    added: in context-menu added button "Forget the translation of this site"
    added: in traslation-box added checkbox "remember" for Lang-from
    added: button "Learning language" in tools-menu
    added: in traslation-box added button "pin/unpin". When unpin - close the box after focus loss
    updated: Ukranian locale (thanks Sacredwheels)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 3.04.
    fixed: hotkey for translation page
  • version 3.03.
    added: for this suggestion:
    hidden settings: about:config -> extensions.s3gt.translate_page_hide_header (false / true)

    added: if press "Ctrl" + "Translate full page" - the translate full page via Google Web site
    added: in some cases the translation full page automatically is done through Google Web site
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 3.02.
    added: Google-translate-CAPTCHA detected
    added: Option for Learning mode: Do not use for HTTPS
    fixed: improved Learning mode
    fixed: S3.Google Translator functionality restored for older versions of Firefox
    added: support for PaleMoon
  • version 3.01.
    added: New Feature: Language learning.
    Now you can not only translate, but also learn the selected language!

    added:Settings:Enable translate on the fly when pressed key: Ctrl or Alt or Alt+Shift
    changed: new algorithm and new appearance to display the result for "translate on the fly"
  • version 2.18.
    added: multi-language panel in google-widget for "translate full page"
    added: select text with Alt-key for (automatic) "on the fly translation"
    added: button "Copy text to Clipboard"
  • version 2.17.
    hotfix: not working translation of selected text for some users
  • version 2.16.
    added: Experiment: translate the menu items (main.., context.. or tab..) into your native language (Integration with S3.Menu Wizard: href=" )
    added: Settings: Context Menu: Show icon
    added: Support Thunderbird
    added: Support SeaMonkey browser
    updated: Ukranian locale (thanks Dmytro Rohachov)
    fixed: minor bug fixes
  • version 2.15.
    added: for translate full page: automatically add to the temporarily AdblockPlus Whitelist (thanks Wladimir Palant)
    added: Chinese locale (thanks 李卓)
    updated: Polish locale (thanks Maciej Bojakowski)
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
    updated: Japanese locale (thanks pulsmz)
  • version 2.14.
    added: new Options: enable/disable options in context menu
    changed: for "Translation of selected text on the fly" - not translated if selected text is your native language (Option: Default translation language)
    fixed: button toolbar for Firefox Australis (Firefox 29)
    fixed: normal work for Firefox 31.0a1
    fixed: minor bug fixes

    added: Arabic locale (thanks Ibrahim Saed)
    updated: French locale (thanks Jack Black)
  • version 2.13.
    changed: min-height for translate-panel of selected text
    added: button quickly change direction of translation
    added: new languages for translate: Bengali, Bosnian, Gujarati, Zulu, Igbo, Yoruba, Kannada, Khmer, Lao, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian, Nepali, Punjabi, Cebuano, Somali, Tamil, Telugu, Hausa, Hmong, Esperanto, Javanese
    added: in settings added limit the list of languages for translation
    added: remembering the last language translation
    removed: for translate full page: automatically add to the Noscript Whitelist
    added: for translate full page: when it detects NoScript added confirmation of the temporary addition of a site to the White List
  • version 2.12.
    added: for translate full page: automatically add to the Noscript Whitelist.
    added: French translation (thanks Jack Black)
    added: translation selected text from INPUT && TEXTAREA forms
    added: translation of selected text "on the fly" (works only when the panel of translation is closed)
  • version 2.11.
    added: for translate full page: automatically add to the Flashblock Whitelist.
    added: short description in Japanese (thanks pulsmz)
    fixed: disappearance of the button "Translate" in custom window
    added: in custom window added the ability to resize the window
  • version 2.10.
    small correction code
  • version 2.9.
    added: full translation to Japanese (thanks pulsmz)
  • version 2.8.
    added: in the settings (tab "Other") adds the ability to change the font size
  • version 2.7.
    added: translate from clipboard (default hotkey: Alt+V)
  • version 2.6.
    fixed: improved auto-detection of language when translating a full page
    fixed: view translation-panel in Full-Screen mode (F11)
  • version 2.5.
    added: full translation to Polish (thanks Maciej Bojakowski)
  • version 2.4.
    added: full translation to Spain (thanks Carlos Villarrubia)
  • version 2.3.
    Сhanges in keyboard shortcuts.
    Now can choose: Alt + symbol, Alt + Shift + symbol, Ctrl + symbol, Ctrl + Shift + symbol, Alt + Ctrl + symbol, Alt + Ctrl + Shift + symbol
S3.Translator is Free Software: please, if you like it, you can support its progress through PayPal.